Love Stories
Denise Austin
July 31, 2018

“Exercise and Pedego bikes go hand in hand,” says Denise Austin.
As one of America’s favorite fitness gurus, she ought to know! Over the past 35 years, she’s sold 24 million exercise videos, written 12 popular books on health and well-being, and starred in the longest-running fitness TV show in history.
The thing that makes Denise stand out is her fun personality. Maybe that’s why she loves Pedego so much!
“It is part of our exercise program, but it’s also part of our fun program,” says Denise’s husband Jeff, “It’s an activity we can enjoy together.”
In addition to fun and fitness, the Austin’s also use their Pedegos for practical purposes. It’s a quick and easy way to run errands and get around town. Sometimes an entire week will go by without starting a car!
And don’t forget the social benefits! Over the past four years, they’ve met lots of other fun couples while out Pedegoing, and they’ve been able to convince many of their friends and family members to join them too.
[Pedego] means lifestyle. It means getting out there, being in the beautiful outdoors, being with friends, being with family… We all have Pedegos and we love ‘em!