Electric Bike Basics
Electric Bike Safety Tips
December 9, 2020

Getting on an electric bike for the first time can be daunting. Whether you are an avid cyclist or haven’t been on a bike in years– the power of an electric bike is something that takes some getting used to. It’s not all scary though, because once you break that barrier and become comfortable behind the wheel, fun is undoubtedly guaranteed!
Although fun is the number one priority when on a Pedego bike, it is also important to ride safely. There are a few quick and easy things you can do to remain safe while riding, and once you implement these into your riding you will be a pro on the road.
1. Wear a Helmet
Of course, all of these safety tips are important, but if you don’t remember anything else please just wear a helmet! An electric bike is a fun source of transportation, but like anything in life, accidents can happen. There are those 4 famous words that we have all heard from at least one person in our lives, “better safe than sorry,” and this could not be more true on an electric bike. This may seem self-explanatory, but you might be surprised how many people may think that a helmet is ‘not necessary’ for them. Although wearing a helmet may not be a mandated law in some places, it is a simple act you can do that may save your life in the event of an accident.
Benefits of Wearing a Helmet:
- Protection from potential accidents
- Higher visibility when cycling
- Weather protection
- Sets a good example to children
Looking for a good helmet to buy? One of Pedego’s favorite brands is Thousand, who has built their whole brand off the idea of safety. “We named our company ‘Thousand’ as a promise– a commitment and a goal of helping to save 1000 lives by making helmets people actually want to wear. Our name serves as a daily reminder of why we do what we do,” says Thousand’s Founder, Gloria Hwang.
2. Use a Bike Light
Using a light on your electric bike is an excellent way to keep you safe when riding. A common misconception about bike lights is that they are only needed when riding at night, but using your bike light during the day has its benefits as well. It can help by increasing your visibility, which in turn, will make you ready for anything that comes your way! With the increase in LED technology over the years, bike lights have become incredibly intelligent. For instance, LED lights are brighter and can flash in various patterns to draw attention and stay visible in varying outdoor conditions.
3. Use a Mirror
Handlebar mirrors are pivotal when riding in the street, as they allow you to confidently change lanes and be on the lookout for fellow motorists. Of course, you can’t solely rely on the mirror itself to 100% protect you, so keep looking over your shoulder while making any lane changes as that is the only way to be sure that the maneuver you are making is safe.
Pedego makes a Handlebar Mirror which offers an adjustable 360-degree viewing angle and allows the mirror to be positioned on top or below the handlebar. Constructed of high definition glass, the Handlebar Mirror provides brighter and clearer images when riding your electric bike to ensure you stay safe on the road.
4. Make Yourself Seen
Making yourself seen is extremely important when riding your electric bike. A good way to ensure that others can see you is to wear bright, reflective clothing. If you are riding during the day, bright colors are the best way to be seen; whereas, if you are riding at night, having reflectors on your bike, clothing, and accessories are a good way for cars to see you.
Another way to make sure others are aware of you on the road is by using a bell. A bell is a great way to alert both pedestrians and motorists, alike, that you are approaching. Pedego’s Sleek Bell fits all Pedego handlebars and has a compact and low profile design, taking up little space on the handlebar and making it easy to reach while riding.
5. Pay Attention to Traffic
This may seem self-explanatory but riding defensively and following traffic laws, is one of the best ways to stay safe when on an electric bike. It’s easy to get carried away with the speed and joy an electric bike can bring you, but it is important to stay mindful when riding. Riding defensively, like in an automotive vehicle, is an easy way to avoid accidents on the road.
When riding in bike lanes it is pivotal to ride on the correct side of the road and go with traffic rather than against it. Also, using your hand signals is an excellent way to alert other cyclists and drivers what your intended next move is. These three simple hand moves indicate to others whether you are turning right, left, or stopping and can serve as an easy way to keep you safe.